Monday, July 19, 2010

Here in Benin

Short and Sweet, just to let you know that I'm here! Will update in more detail as I can.

We will be moving out to our host homes on Wednesday, excitement, angst, nerves aglore. I tested out in French as LOW--novice...but, I can only go up, up, up. Jet lag is finally going away. Now, that I'm not so tired, I'm more optimistic. Had an overview of my program section. WOW!

All letters, etc are to go to the address I gave.

Reminder I will reply to any snail mail letter that I receive.

Love to all


  1. Hi there!
    You are an amazing person! I am so looking forward to checking your progress and activities - so please keep it up!
    Congrats on your up-to-now french efforts. Bon chance and keep it up!

  2. A May's Zing, bevvers ! wow, i can hardly wait to hear more!! think french. it's still quite HOT here. we'll be on the same side of the pond come saturday . . . yippee !! much goodness to you. stay well ~ lanette

  3. phew.... finally figured out how to join this site w/o posting my own blog..... however....perhaps a blog in the future...
    oh, and I figured out how to get updates on my google homepage... so cool, now I can get my mom dose all the time!!!!
